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UPHYOURS Issue two is on it’s way but we need your help.


Have you got something to say? What do you really think about when you’re deep buttoning? Do you dress like your chair or ever found yourself stuck inside one? Do you know a non upholsterer with an upholstery story to tell? UphYours is a collaborative zine and we are looking for your stories to fill the pages, big or small. We know some of you have already expressed an interest in submitting and we’ve hassled some of you, so now is the time, get your thoughts together and send it in, we’re all ears! We’d love to hear from some of our international friends too...


This issue’s ‘cut out and keep’ poster features a map of Shoreditch in the 40’s, the centre of UK furniture production at the time and home to the Geffrye Museum. We want to fill the reverse with upholstery ads old and new from your area.


With the second issue released mid April and coinciding with the Second Sitters take over of The Geffrye Museum, London the print run and audience has the potential to be huge…


Apologies but we’re on a tight deadline with this one. All contributions need to be sent to by 31 March. All imagery needs to be high res - preferably 300 dpi and must include image credits. Upholstery adverts for the poster as high res as possible please.


Please send work for issue 2: 

Unit 8, Stephen House, 1b Darnley Road,

London, E9 6QH





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