One Hundred Words
Fiera Magazine, Issue 1
Second Sitters were delighted to be part of the One Hundred Words, for Fieraissue 1. Our poem was written by Dave Clements and illustrated by Assa Ariyoshi.
Fiera magazine was launched in December 2014 by Confessions of a Design Geek’s Katie Treggiden and magCulture’s Jeremy Leslie. Following a successfull Kickstarter campaign, the 168-page debut features young design talent from the world’s design fairs (London, Prague, Lodz and Kortrijk). Conceived as a collectible biannual, the magazine provides an overview of themes defined by Treggiden, providing a concrete record of the autumn fairs.
One Hundred Words takes an abstract approach to the content. 26 writers were each given a piece of recent design and invited to write about it; not in the usual descriptive manner but by using poetry or prose to respond creatively to what they saw. These written pieces were then illustrated by Assa Ariyoshi – a kind of artistic Chinese whispers game.
Click here to buy yourself a copy.